
Bitrate calculation with CANtegrity


#include "stdio.h"
#include "signal.h"
#include "canlib.h"
#include "kvDiag.h"
static void check(const char *name, canStatus status); /* Checks for errors */
static void intHandler(int unused); /* Handle Ctrl-C */
static void usage(); /* Print usage */
static int interrupt = 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int channel = -1;
/* Parse command-line parameters. */
for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
if (sscanf(argv[i], "-ch=%d", &channel) == 1);
else {
if (channel == -1) {
canHandle hnd;
/* We open the channel with the EXCLUSIVE flag to not let any other
* application interfere with the CANtegrity channel */
canStatus stat;
/* Attach an analyzer to an open CAN channel. */
check("kvDiagAttachAnalyzer", stat);
/* We want to run DIAG_PROGRAM_TYPE_AUTOBAUD. It doesn't need a configuration,
* so we pass an empty JSON string. */
check("kvDiagSetProgram", stat);
/* Start the analyzer. */
stat = kvDiagStart(hnd);
check("kvDiagStart", stat);
/* Continuously measure bitrate until Ctrl-C is pressed. */
signal(SIGINT, intHandler);
bitrates_t btrs;
while (1) {
Sleep(100); /* Wait for samples to accumulate. */
stat = kvDiagCalculateBitrate(hnd, &btrs);
if (stat == canOK) {
printf("Estimated CAN bitrate to %.0f KBit/s with quality %d %%.\n",
/* Reset bitrate calculation to get a fresh measurement. */
check("kvDiagResetBitrateCalculation", stat);
/* Check Ctrl-C. */
if (interrupt) {
/* Stop the analyzer. */
stat = kvDiagStop(hnd);
check("kvDiagStop", stat);
/* Detach the analyzer, since we're not going to restart it. */
stat = kvDiagDetachAnalyzer(hnd);
check("kvDiagDetachAnalyzer", stat);
/* Close the CAN channel. */
stat = canClose(hnd);
check("canClose", stat);
return 0;
static void check(const char *name, canStatus status)
if (status != canOK) {
printf("%s returned %d\n", name, status);
static void intHandler(int unused)
interrupt = 1;
static void usage()
"Usage: 'autobaud_example -ch=n', "
"where 'n' is a CANlib channel with analyzer capability.\n\n"
"Note: This program requires a working CAN bus with traffic to function properly.\n");