
Monitor CAN channel


** This software is furnished as Redistributable under the Kvaser Software Licence
** https://www.kvaser.com/canlib-webhelp/page_license_and_copyright.html
** Description:
** This is a sample console program that dumps the traffic on the CAN bus on
** the screen, or to a file. The purpuse of this program is to demonstrate
** certain programming techniques. It may or may not be useful to you.
// First, include the whole known universe.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <time.h>
// CANLIB requires the following #include.
#include <canlib.h>
static void Usage(void)
printf("\nCANLIB Dump Program\n");
printf("(Part of the CANLIB SDK from KVASER AB - http://www.kvaser.se)\n");
printf("This is a sample program that just dumps all incoming messages on the screen,\n");
printf("or to a file.\n");
printf("\nUsage: candump [flags] [filename]\n");
printf(" -X Listen to CAN channel number X.\n");
printf(" -B<value> Set the bitrate. Value is any of 1000,500,250,125.\n");
printf(" -A<value> Set the CAN FD Arbitration bitrate. Value is any of 500,1000.\n");
printf(" -D<value> Set the CAN FD Data bitrate. Value is any of 1000,2000,4000,8000.\n");
printf(" Default bitrate is 125 kbit/s.\n");
printf(" -h Print this help text.\n");
printf(" -q Be more quiet than usual.\n");
printf(" -fd Use CAN FD.\n");
printf(" -virtual Accept virtual channels.\n");
printf("\nIf no filename is specified, standard output is used.\n\n");
printf("The following keys can be used during logging:\n");
printf(" ESC Stop logging.\n");
printf(" Q Be more quiet.\n");
printf(" q Be less quiet.\n");
printf("candump -B250 -0 logfile.log\n");
printf(" would set CAN channel 0 to 250 kbit/s and log to logfile.log\n");
// Global variables for the command-line options.
int Bitrate = 0; // Selected bit rate.
int BitrateFdA = 0; // Selected CAN FD Arbritation bit rate.
int BitrateFdD = 0; // Selected CAN FD Data bit rate.
int Source = 0; // Channel #
char Filename[512]; // Name of log file
int Quiet = 0; // Defines the verbosity.
int can_open_flags = 0; // Flags for canOpen, e.g. set CAN FD.
// Check a status code and issue an error message if the code isn't canOK.
void ErrorExit(char* id, canStatus stat)
if (stat != canOK) {
char buf[50];
buf[0] = '\0';
canGetErrorText(stat, buf, sizeof(buf));
fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed, stat=%d (%s)\n", id, (int)stat, buf);
// Setup a CAN controller.
int InitCtrl(int ctrl)
canStatus stat;
canHandle hnd;
// First, open a handle to the CAN circuit. (We could specify
// canOPEN_EXCLUSIVE to ensure we get a circuit that noone else
// is using, if desired.)
hnd = canOpenChannel(ctrl, can_open_flags);
if (hnd < 0) {
ErrorExit("canOpenChannel", (canStatus)hnd);
// Using our new shiny handle, we specify the baud rate
// using one of the convenient canBITRATE_xxx constants.
// The bit layout is in depth discussed in most CAN
// controller data sheets, and on the web at
// http://www.kvaser.se.
if (Bitrate != 0) {
stat = canSetBusParams(hnd, Bitrate, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (stat < 0) {
ErrorExit("canSetBusParams", stat);
} else if (BitrateFdA != 0 && BitrateFdD != 0) {
stat = canSetBusParams(hnd, BitrateFdA, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (stat < 0) {
ErrorExit("canSetBusParams", stat);
stat = canSetBusParamsFd(hnd, BitrateFdD, 0, 0, 0);
if (stat < 0) {
ErrorExit("canSetBusParamsFd", stat);
} else {
// Then we start the ball rolling.
stat = canBusOn(hnd);
if (stat < 0) {
ErrorExit("canBusOn", stat);
// Return the handle; our caller will need it for
// further exercising the CAN controller.
return hnd;
void main(int argc, char* argv[])
canStatus stat;
int i;
canHandle hnd;
FILE *f;
int Ready;
unsigned long MessageCount;
unsigned int timeOffset;
int Overrun;
Filename[0] = '\0';
// First, parse the command-line arguments.
for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
int tmp;
char c;
if (sscanf(argv[i], "-%d%c", &tmp, &c) == 1) {
Source = tmp;
} else if (sscanf(argv[i], "-B%d%c", &tmp, &c) == 1) {
// We'll use the canBITRATE_xxx constants here for simplicity;
// of course CANLIB supports other bit rates but writing that code
// is left as an exercise.
switch (tmp) {
case 1000 : Bitrate = canBITRATE_1M; break;
case 500 : Bitrate = canBITRATE_500K; break;
case 250 : Bitrate = canBITRATE_250K; break;
case 125 : Bitrate = canBITRATE_125K; break;
default : Usage();
} else if (sscanf(argv[i], "-A%d%c", &tmp, &c) == 1) {
switch (tmp) {
case 1000 : BitrateFdA = canFD_BITRATE_1M_80P; break;
case 500 : BitrateFdA = canFD_BITRATE_500K_80P; break;
default : Usage();
} else if (sscanf(argv[i], "-D%d%c", &tmp, &c) == 1) {
switch (tmp) {
case 8000 : BitrateFdD = canFD_BITRATE_8M_60P; break;
case 4000 : BitrateFdD = canFD_BITRATE_4M_80P; break;
case 2000 : BitrateFdD = canFD_BITRATE_2M_80P; break;
case 1000 : BitrateFdD = canFD_BITRATE_1M_80P; break;
default : Usage();
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-q") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-fd") == 0) {
can_open_flags |= canOPEN_CAN_FD;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-virtual") == 0) {
can_open_flags |= canOPEN_ACCEPT_VIRTUAL;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) {
} else if (argv[i][0] != '-') {
strcpy(Filename, argv[i]);
} else {
if (Quiet == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Logging to %s (candump -h for help; ESC to quit.)\n",
Filename[0]? Filename : "standard output");
// Initialize CANLIB.
// Setup the selected CAN controller.
hnd = InitCtrl(Source);
// Open (i.e create) the log file.
if (strlen(Filename) > 0) {
f = fopen(Filename, "w");
if (!f) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't create log file '%s'.\n", Filename);
} else {
f = stdout;
// Read the timer so we can print normalized time stamps later on.
// Note that we are on-bus now, so IF some messages have arrived already,
// they will be logged with a negative time value.
stat = kvReadTimer(hnd, &timeOffset);
if (stat < 0) {
ErrorExit("kvReadTimer", stat);
// Print a little header, unless we are requested not to do so.
if (Quiet == 0) {
time_t t;
fprintf(f, "; Logging started at %s", ctime(&t));
fprintf(f, "; (x = Extended Id, R = Remote Frame, o = Overrun, N = NERR)\n");
fprintf(f, "; Ident xRoN DLC Data 0........................7 Time\n");
Ready = FALSE;
MessageCount = 0;
Overrun = FALSE;
while (!Ready) {
while (!_kbhit()) {
long id;
unsigned int dlc, flags;
unsigned char msg[64];
DWORD time;
long t, timeFrac, timeInt;
unsigned int i;
do {
// Read a message.
stat = canRead(hnd, &id, msg, &dlc, &flags, &time);
if (stat == canOK && (Quiet <= 1)) {
if ((flags & canMSG_ERROR_FRAME) == 0) {
// A message.
// Print identifier and flags.
fprintf(f, "%8ld%c%c%c%c%c%c %02u ",
(flags & canMSG_EXT) ? 'x' : ' ',
(flags & canMSG_RTR) ? 'R' : ' ',
(flags & canMSGERR_OVERRUN) ? 'o' : ' ',
(flags & canMSG_NERR) ? 'N' : ' ', // TJA 1053/1054 transceivers only
(flags & canFDMSG_EDL) ? 'F' : ' ',
(flags & canFDMSG_BRS) ? 'B' : ' ',
} else {
// An error frame.
// CANLIB will set the id to something controller
// dependent.
fprintf(f, " (%04lx) Error ", id);
// Print the data bytes, but not for Remote Frames.
// Print at most 8 bytes - the DLC might be larger
// but there are never more than 8 bytes in a
// message.
if (flags & canFDMSG_EDL) {
if ((flags & canMSG_RTR) == 0) {
for (i=0; i < dlc; i++) fprintf(f, "%3u ", msg[i]);
for (; i<8; i++) fprintf(f, " ");
} else {
fprintf(f, " ");
else {
if ((flags & canMSG_RTR) == 0) {
for (i=0; i < ((dlc > 8)? 8: dlc); i++) fprintf(f, "%3u ", msg[i]);
for (; i<8; i++) fprintf(f, " ");
} else {
fprintf(f, " ");
// Print the time stamp, formatted as seconds.
t = time - timeOffset;
if (t < 0) {
// Yes, negative values may occur.. see above.
timeFrac = (-t) % 1000;
timeInt = (-t) / 1000;
fprintf(f, "-%5ld.%03ld\n", timeInt, timeFrac);
} else {
timeFrac = t % 1000;
timeInt = t / 1000;
fprintf(f, "%6ld.%03ld\n", timeInt, timeFrac);
// Keep some statistics.
if (flags & canMSGERR_OVERRUN) Overrun = TRUE;
// When there are no more messages in the queue,
// stat will be equal to canERR_NOMSG.
} while (stat == canOK);
// Have a nap while the driver accumulates messages for us..
// React to whatever the user has entered at the keyboard.
switch (_getch()) {
case 3:
case 27:
Ready = TRUE;
case 'q':
if (Quiet > 0) Quiet--;
fprintf(stderr, "Quiet=%d\n", Quiet);
case 'Q':
if (Quiet < 5) Quiet++;
fprintf(stderr, "Quiet=%d\n", Quiet);
// Print a little footer, unless we are requested not to do so.
if (Quiet == 0) {
time_t t;
fprintf(f, "; Logging ended at %s", ctime(&t));
fprintf(f, "; %lu messages.%s\n",
Overrun? " There were overruns." : "");
// Clean up.