
** This software is furnished as Redistributable under the Kvaser Software Licence
** https://www.kvaser.com/canlib-webhelp/page_license_and_copyright.html
** Description:
** This is a 32-bit Windows console mode program which can transmit messages on
** the CAN bus. It might be used as a traffic generator.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <conio.h>
// CANLIB requires canlib.h.
#include <canlib.h>
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma argsused
void Usage(int argc, char* argv[])
printf("\nCANLIB Traffic Generator\n\n");
printf("(Part of the CANLIB SDK from KVASER AB - http://www.kvaser.se)\n");
printf("This demo programs transmits messages from a CAN channel.\n");
printf("It requires a CAN interface supported by CANLIB, and runs\n");
printf("under Windows 95 and/or Windows NT.\n");
printf("\nUsage: tx [flags]\n");
printf(" -X Use channel number X as source. (Default 0.)\n");
printf(" -waitXXX Sleep for XXX milliseconds between the bursts.\n");
printf(" -burstXXX Send XXX messages in each burst.\n");
printf(" -B<value> Set the bitrate. Value is any of 1000,500,250,125.\n");
printf(" Default bitrate is 125 kbit/s.\n");
printf(" -Sbbb,t1,t2 Set the bitrate using specified values for tseg1 and tseg2.\n");
printf(" bbb=bitrate in bps.\n");
printf(" t1=# of quanta before the sampling point, not including\n");
printf(" the sync segment.\n");
printf(" t2=# of quanta after the sampling point.\n");
printf(" -fail Exit the program immediately if transmission fails.\n");
printf(" -Lnnn Use nnn (0..8) as message length.\n");
printf(" -loopback Run a loopback between channel X and X+1.\n");
printf(" -q Be quiet.\n");
// Global variables for the command-line options.
int Tseg1, Tseg2;
int Bitrate = canBITRATE_125K;
int Channel = 0;
int WaitTime = 100;
int Fail = FALSE;
int BurstSize = 5;
int Quiet = 0;
int MaxCount = -1;
int CurrentCount = 0;
int MessageLength = 8;
int Loopback = FALSE;
// Check a status code and issue an error message if the code
// isn't canOK.
void Check(char* id, canStatus stat)
if (stat != canOK) {
char buf[50];
buf[0] = '\0';
canGetErrorText(stat, buf, sizeof(buf));
printf("%s: failed, stat=%d (%s)\n", id, (int)stat, buf);
// Setup a CAN controller.
int InitCtrl(int ctrl)
canStatus stat;
canHandle hnd;
// First, open a handle to the CAN circuit. Specifying
// canOPEN_EXCLUSIVE ensures we get a circuit that noone else
// is using.
printf("canOpenChannel, channel %d... ", ctrl);
if (hnd < 0) {
Check("canOpenChannel", (canStatus)hnd);
// Using our new shiny handle, we specify the baud rate
// using one of the convenient canBITRATE_xxx constants.
// The bit layout is in depth discussed in most CAN
// controller data sheets, and on the web at
// http://www.kvaser.se.
printf("Setting the bus speed...");
stat = canSetBusParams(hnd, Bitrate, Tseg1, Tseg2, 1, 1, 0);
if (stat < 0) {
printf("canSetBusParams failed, stat=%d\n", stat);
// Then we start the ball rolling.
printf("Go bus-on...");
stat = canBusOn(hnd);
if (stat < 0) {
printf("canBusOn failed, stat=%d\n", stat);
// Return the handle; our caller will need it for
// further exercising the CAN controller.
return hnd;
void Send(void)
canHandle hnd;
canStatus stat;
int i;
int ready;
const long srcID = 300L;
// Open a channel, and open another one if we want a loopback.
hnd = InitCtrl(Channel);
if (Loopback) {
(void)InitCtrl(Channel + 1);
ready = FALSE;
while (!ready) {
unsigned long t0;
long timeToSleep;
t0 = GetTickCount();
// Send a burst of messages.
for (i = 0; i < BurstSize; i++) {
stat = canWrite(hnd, srcID, &CurrentCount, MessageLength, 0);
if (Quiet <= 1) {
Check("canWrite", stat);
if ((stat != canOK) && Fail) {
ready = TRUE;
// Print some statistics, sleep for a while and check the keyboard.
if (!Quiet) printf("%d..", CurrentCount);
timeToSleep = WaitTime - (GetTickCount() - t0);
if (timeToSleep > 0) Sleep(timeToSleep);
if (_kbhit()) break;
printf("\nTransmitted %d messages.\n", CurrentCount);
// These two are not really necessary but for the completeness...
void main(int argc, char* argv[])
int i;
// First, parse the command-line arguments.
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
int tmp;
char c;
int tmp1, tmp2;
if (sscanf(argv[i], "-%d%c", &tmp, &c) == 1) {
Channel = tmp;
else if (sscanf(argv[i], "-B%d%c", &tmp, &c) == 1) {
switch (tmp) {
case 1000: Bitrate = canBITRATE_1M; break;
case 500: Bitrate = canBITRATE_500K; break;
case 250: Bitrate = canBITRATE_250K; break;
case 125: Bitrate = canBITRATE_125K; break;
default: Usage(argc, argv);
else if (sscanf(argv[i], "-S%d,%d,%d%c", &tmp, &tmp1, &tmp2, &c) == 3) {
Bitrate = tmp;
Tseg1 = tmp1;
Tseg2 = tmp2;
else if (sscanf(argv[i], "-wait%d%c", &tmp, &c) == 1) {
WaitTime = tmp;
else if (sscanf(argv[i], "-burst%d%c", &tmp, &c) == 1) {
BurstSize = tmp;
else if (sscanf(argv[i], "-L%d%c", &tmp, &c) == 1) {
MessageLength = tmp;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-fail") == 0) {
Fail = TRUE;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-loopback") == 0) {
Loopback = TRUE;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-q") == 0) {
else {
Usage(argc, argv);
// Start the test.
printf("\nThat's all for today!\n");